Dancing with the Wind


Greetings and welcome to The Haiku Pond. A place to ponder life through haiku. My name is Anthony Nanfito and I’m the caretaker of the Pond. 

Each season I share haiku written by myself and others. Each episode features haiku centered around a pre-chosen theme. You can learn more at http://thehaikupond.com

If you’re ready, let’s prepare for our visit. Take a deep breath and dive in.


The theme for this visit is ‘wind’ and will feature haiku written by myself and others.

A Haiku & Reflection from Me 

field of flowers bloom

dancing with the wind and sun

lessons from nature

Plants are truly fascinating organisms. Some might say they’re not very exciting since they don’t ever move or leave the location from where they grow. They never see new sights or experience new things, but perhaps there’s a deeper wisdom in remaining in one location or remembering where you’re rooted. 

It’s true they remain in one location for their entire existence, but they have learned to dance with the wind and sun—a dance that enriches their existence and ensures their future. In this dance they have found ways to produce food from sunlight. They have learned to use the wind to spread their seed to new places so that the next generation may do the same. 

Learning to dance with the wind and sun has allowed whole fields of flowers to come into existence, such as the one that inspired this haiku. And all of this was accomplished without having to leave the location where they grow. They stayed where they were and made the best of their situation. 

Many of us think that if we were over there, we would blossom and thrive. Even though the sun blankets the entire earth, we still believe the grass is definitely greener over there. And surely if we were to move to a new place for new experiences, we would be better off than where we are right now. 

Sometimes this is indeed true, but what is also true is that no matter where you go, there you are. Just like the flowers rooted in the field, you are always rooted with you. To thrive, you just have to remember to dance with the wind and sun.

This is the lesson I learned from the wind. This is the lesson I learned from this haiku. What lessons have you learned from the wind? Have you learned to dance with the wind and sun? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment on the blog or YouTube video, or send an email to thehaikupond at gmail dot com. Hearing your thoughts makes this more of a conversation and I look forward to hearing what lessons you’ve learned.

Listener Submitted Haiku

Now, let’s hear from our listeners. Each haiku will be repeated twice so you can fully immerse yourself within it. If you’d like to submit a haiku for a future episode, please visit thehaikupond.com for details. With that out of the way, let’s begin.

From Pippa Phillips:

lake wind—

the ripples

in a wall of ivy

From Roberta Beach Jacobson:

spring breeze

my ambitions

fly away

From Paul David Mena:

summer wind

a ghost pushes

a shopping cart

From Tracy Davidson:

a thousand miles … 

the sirocco carries dunes

to my door

From Lafcadio:

january wind—

lost in the echo

of windchimes

From Katherine E Winnick:

trailing in the wind

drifting to an unknown end

a white feather

From Eavonka Ettinger:


the hurricane

a sleeping snail

From Tony Williams:

a gale arrives

in the still of night

… then leaves

From Susan Andrews:

wind chimes

moved by a gentle breeze

my thoughts — humming

From Tunisia Williams:

whispers caressing my ears

softly murmuring

secrets never to be told

From petro c. k.:


by an open window

first draft

From Uchechukwu Onyedikam:

east wind

a reminder to keep


From Hege A. Jakobsen Lepri:

the way the wind

teases the lake’s surface

a stolen kiss

From Chittaluri Satyanarayana:

still lake —

believing in the wind

paper boat

From Kimberly Kuchar:

sudden slap

from my grandma’s scarf

salty wind

From C.X.Turner:

once a tiny seed

now a whole forest

blown by the wind

From Lucia M Fleváres:

fortune blows its wind

true guises shown: thin-skinned,

strong-chinned, or chagrined? 

From Ali Znaidi:

summer night…

sirocco wind

a fan for the moon

Special thanks to all the poets who submitted their haiku for this episode—both to those poets who were featured and those who were not. I was overwhelmed and honored by the amount of haiku submitted for this episode. If time were an unlimited resource, I would love to have read them all. However, since it’s not, I had to make some tough calls and limit the number of haiku featured in this episode. 

Regardless if you were featured or not, it was an honor and a pleasure to read the submissions. And of course, I encourage everyone to submit again in the future. 

If you’re listening and you’d like to connect with the featured poets in this episode, visit the show notes linked in the description for links to connect with them online.

Theme for Next Time

The theme for our next visit will be ‘fire’ and your haiku need to be submitted by 11:59pm Bangkok Time (GMT +7) on Friday September 9, 2022. You may submit one haiku for this theme. It can be published or unpublished — as long as you retain the rights to share it. 

To submit your haiku, follow the link in the description or visit thehaikupond.com and click the red ‘Submit’ button at the top of the page. If you have any trouble, please send an email to thehaikupond [at] gmail (dot) com. 

Special thanks to all of those who communicated to me that I made a typo and forgot to change the theme name on the form for this episode. This time, I’ve made sure that the theme is listed as ‘fire’ throughout the form. In case it’s not, feel free to let me know. I greatly appreciate it. 

Lastly, I want to say a huge thank you to Steena Hernandez for your financial contribution on my Buy Me a Coffee page. I’m humbled and honored. Your support helps keep the lights on and the mic recording. Thank you Steena!

If you’d like to make a contribution to help support the podcast and receive a special shout out in a future episode, visit buymeacoffee.com/wordsbyfifi.

Thanks for listening. See ya next time! 

Thanks for visiting The Haiku Pond. If you’ve been inspired by what you’ve heard, please share the show with a friend.

For podcast updates, join the mailing list at http://haikupond.ck.page/ or follow the podcast on Twitter @TheHaikuPond.

For inquiries send an email to thehaikupond (at) gmail (dot) com. Thanks for listening. See you next time.

Haiku Ponderings

A Haiku Collection for Pondering Life

My haiku poetry collection is available as an ebook on 10+ retailers worldwide!

This collection contains over 100 haiku and 5 mini essays focused on Mindfulness, Gratitude, Compassion, Love & Loss, and Give & Forgive. If you listened to the first season to The Haiku Pond podcast, then some of these haiku will sound familiar. I used the same themes for both the ebook and the podcast. More details here.

Currently available on the following retailers: Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Scribd, and more!

NOTE: This ebook is also available for check out in U.S. libraries using apps such as OverDrive and Biblioteca. Ask your local librarian how to sign-up.

Follow the link below to download your copy today!

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Published by Anthony

A creative soul expressing himself thru sci-fi stories, haiku, & podcasts. Podcast 🎙 host of Blinded by Science & The Haiku Pond. Visit my website to explore my creations: anthonynanfito.com.

2 thoughts on “Dancing with the Wind

  1. My heartfelt appreciation for this podcast, Anthony. I find it a wonderful way to meditate. I feel so honored to have my haiku chosen amongst many of my favorite haikuists.

    Oh, my fault for not sending a pronunciation guide, but my first name is four syllables E-a-von-ka. The first one is a long E like in free.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the kind praise. I’m glad your enjoying the podcast AND that you’re finding it as a useful meditation tool. (-:

      And thanks for the clarification on how to pronounce your name. I’ll update my notes for any future submissions. (-;


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